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neocomplete isn't working properly after upgrade to latest spf13
After upgrading to latest spf13, neocomplete seems to get removed or removed incompletely or somewhat not functioning.
I always get <Plug>(neosnippet_expand)
instead of proper snippet when trying to use neocomplete.
I am at latest vim and latest spf13. Please help.
I have encountered the same problem. Did you solve it?
Here, too. If I use Ctrl-K, the snippet expands. If I use <CR> to accept the snippet, CleverCr() somehow blows it and puts the literal string "<Plug>(neosnippet_expand)"
Yes, solved it. Put this line of code in .vimrc.local
inoremap <expr><CR> neosnippet#expandable() ? neosnippet#mappings#expand_or_jump_impl() : pumvisible() ? neocomplete#close_popup() : "\<CR>"
That's got it. Thanks.
@yuwang17 thanks, that worked for me.
This problem still exists in the latest version.
I did a little bit research. This problem is introduced by the commit 61bbd836. Check #769 for more information.
It seems @spf13 doesn't have enough time to maintain spf13 anymore. This issue is brought up multiple times but never solved.
In my case, this workaround doesn't work with html files. However, it works with other types of files indeed.
One of the issues here is that there isn't a consistent fix. As you noted the proposed workaround didn't work under certain circumstances. I'd happy merge a PR if someone submitted one that resolved it.
@Yu-w thanks for your workaround, it works for me!