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Generic Value and SliceValue implementation
Using Go generics it's possible to greatly streamline the process of binding custom value types. I have created a library as a POC To work with it users have to provide the type and a parser (aka fromString) function.
var ba *url.Userinfo
cmd.Flags().VarP(anyflag.NewValue[*url.Userinfo](nil, &ba, parseBasicAuth), "basic-auth", "", "basic auth")
var bas []*url.Userinfo
cmd.Flags().VarP(anyflag.NewSliceValue[*url.Userinfo](nil, &bas, parseBasicAuth), "basic-auth", "", "basic auth")
See full running example in example_test.go.
It's also possible to replace the concrete implementations here with the generic one largely reducing the code surface.
Please let me know what do you think.