Steve Francia
Steve Francia
This is a great idea @nathany . Looking forward to it.
I'm starting to use chezmoi so I'm interested in helping. No promises, but I'd like to help make things better.
My only advice on this is, if we are going to cut a 2.0 let's get all the breaking changes we want into it. I'd also suggest announcing it and...
Not sure. Everyone is distracted right now. Maybe give it more time given that. Probably twitter and the readme are good starts. Maybe even reach out to some of the...
I don't see why we would want these copied in Afero. It's pretty typical to have stdlib elements used outside the std lib. For example net/http has elements used by...
I understand the need for this. However most of the backends wouldn't need or be able to use this. One of the initial goals of afero was to be interoperable...
This isn't quite right. I can't hold a copyright on other peoples contributions without a copyright assignment agreement (which we don't have in place and I don't want to do...
I've opened source to a few contributors. . I'd love to support however I can.
It's currently hosted on firebase hosting. It looks like I never set up any autodeploy, but I'm happy to do that. Doing a quick search found which seems like...
@umarcor what's the status on this. I think your new site is far superior to the existing one. I did a small amount of management to bring it up to...