Spenser Black

Results 109 comments of Spenser Black

It looks like [`.not` negates ***all*** following assertions](https://www.chaijs.com/api/bdd/#method_not). Basically, `expect(1).not.null.and.not.undefined.and.above(0);` seems to be the same as `expect(1).not.above(0).and.null.and.undefined`. I would recommend `expect(1).to.be.a('number').and.above(0)`, because `a('number')` will assert that the value is not...

Sorry for commenting on a somewhat old issue, but I just found that the documentation for `.keys` (which `.key` is an alias for), says >When negating `.keys`, `.any` is preferred...

GitHub Discussions supports actual polls now, BTW :wink:

It's a bit redundant since you already have a demo on your personal website, but it might be fun to automate previews with Vercel or some other tool. That way...

Will be superseded by #96, but I'll leave this open in case #96 is delayed or closed.

You could probably make the production deployment the page on your personal site, too.

:thinking: My Vercel deployment is working, I wonder why this repo's preview fails to build.

I'm curious how the UI would work for issues with a lot of comments, like >100. Would there be some sort of pagination so that a user can scroll through...

It will complicate the code, but we could possibly try to get a `license` value from the package manifest (`package.json`, `Cargo.toml`, and `setup.cfg` have this value off the top of...

Great idea! Do you think we should support the option for per-repo config files, too (I'm leaning towards no, but just want to put it out there)? I did something...