Spencer Finnell
Spencer Finnell
After some discussion in Slack discussion it's clear that we can ditch the "registry" -- feed the strings directly to the helper methods. Beyond that it's a matter of the...
Implementation of previous discussion: https://github.com/easydigitaldownloads/easy-digital-downloads/compare/release/3.0...test/checkout-modularity Feels much better. Going to work on converting the other fields.
Latest commits add support for credit card fields and billing address. I found the HTML generator methods to be inconsistent so I tried to remedy that but introducing a new...
@robincornett Let's go 3.0. The behavior has likely been the same since the introduction of Heartbeat so it doesn't need an immediate fix.
@ashleyfae I think the PHP notices being thrown on unrelated pages would be classified as a 3.0 introduction. Loading on every page is _still broken_. Additional PHP notices on every...
I agree -- not sure why I felt it needed to be stuffed in to the table footer originally. A simple stacked form below would work, or a modal form...
Does anyone have thoughts on where the "Add Rate" button to launch the modal would go?
With a bit of other UI cleanup:
No number settings allow saving as 0. Something is likely checking for empty vs isset. This is present in `master` as well.
Pretty sure this has been broken for 3 years. https://github.com/easydigitaldownloads/easy-digital-downloads/commit/dc3c10f438aa5391add70282c3a386931a784a71#diff-0fc4cfad82ef0e4a14720904d33c326cR1480 `edd_get_option()` should be taking the setting field's standard value as the default. The `0` string was being interpreted as false...