use the file from the docker github instead: https://github.com/deepmind/alphafold/blob/main/scripts/download_pdb_mmcif.sh
FYI: Just through this up on github: https://github.com/spencer411/FastANI_heatmap
I ended up saving the kronogram as a PDF from my browser and then I pulled it into Adobe illustrator to clean it up. Nevertheless, it still becomes a bit...
Okay.... so went back and did some digging. WT-200 was part of a job from before that was killed due to a power outage, not one of the ones that...
Okay, so I ran error-check and got the following: -bash-4.2$ ./errorcheck.txt Checking log.... You have NO errors! YAYE! Note that the WT-220 file (and many other problematic files) never show...
See --style print output here. Looks like it should work fine... [slurm.rhea-05.790710.txt](https://github.com/katholt/RedDog/files/4319172/slurm.rhea-05.790710.txt) Maybe I just need to increase some walltime?