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NUnit logger for vstest platform

Development of v4.x and subsequent versions of the NUnit logger is moved to the testlogger repository. Kindly report any new issues or contribute your patches in that repo.

NUnit Test Logger

NUnit xml report extension for Visual Studio Test Platform.

Build Status Build Status NuGet Downloads


Logger Stable Package Pre-release Package
NUnit NuGet MyGet Pre Release

If you're looking for xunit, junit or appveyor loggers, visit following repositories:


NUnit logger can generate xml reports in the NUnit v3 format.

  1. Add a reference to the NUnit Logger NuGet package in test project
  2. Use the following command line in tests
> dotnet test --logger:nunit
  1. Test results are generated in the TestResults directory relative to the test.csproj

A path for the report file can be specified as follows:

> dotnet test --logger:"nunit;LogFilePath=test-result.xml"

test-result.xml will be generated in the same directory as test.csproj.

Note: the arguments to --logger should be in quotes since ; is treated as a command delimiter in shell.

All common options to the logger is documented in the wiki. E.g. token expansion for {assembly} or {framework} in result file.

NUnit test framework settings

  • If your scenario requires test case properties like Description in the xml, please enable internal properties for the nunit adapter:

dotnet test --logger:nunit -- NUnit.ShowInternalProperties=true

  • NUnit test adapter also provides a mechanism to emit test result xml from the NUnit engine. You may use following commandline for the same:

dotnet test --logger:nunit -- NUnit.TestOutputXml=<foldername relative to test binary directory>

Release Checklist

A note to self on how to make releases:

  • [ ] Create changelog entry with tentative version.
  • [ ] Verify the version on Spekt myget (remember to update version in command below).
> dotnet new nunit
> dotnet add package NunitXml.TestLogger --version 3.0.109 --source
> dotnet test --logger:nunit
  • [ ] Push the version on Spekt myget to Nuget.
  • [ ] Create a github release with above version tag. Link to the changelog section.
  • [ ] Thank the issue authors and notify them about the released version.
