
Results 59 comments of speedskater

@destenson Thank your for your PR and sorry for my very late reply. I finally managed to tmerged it into the 1.2.0 branch and puglished 1.2.0-rc.1 on npm as a...

I also added you as a contributor to the README. I hope this is okay with you?

Thanks for reporting this Bug and the Delay on this issue but I am currently on holidays and will return on the 23rd of november. I will comment on this...

@VoloshinS sorry haven't looked into it till now. fighting with babel 6 at the moment...

@laggingreflex. We had it working in an initial version but removed it due to its unstable nature. Maybe we can add it in a future version, but it will take...

@ajwhite, @erykpiast Thanks for starting the discussion. @ajwhite I think this moves along the directions of the current discussion how to support all es2015 (currently in the babel 6 issue)....

It would be enough to add something like /\* @rewireModuleId=MySpecificModuleId */ at the top of a file which would you like to rewire. After that you would just have to...

I think we need some kind of approach which is independ of the module loader (e.g. webpack or similar)

@erykpiast could create a comment with a small sample outlining your idea?

Thanks for providing the gist. I like the api in example.spec.js. This is indeed similar to the api i have intended. Regarding the part in my-module.js. I think this won't...