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Python-based Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software
I am getting a Remote index not found error when I try to use pyspedas.themis.gmag command to download Greenland magnetometer data. This is because of an additional 'mag/' string in...
a minor bug for lower case... added basic auth to
PSP/FIELDS Level 2 AEB data was recently added to CDAWeb. The AEB files are 1/day files, ending in `%Y%m%d_v??.cdf`. When the datatype does not match the special cases noted in...
I am trying to download PSP data, for example SPC data from the first encounter. On the SWEAP website: I can see that there is a version 26 of...
I was trying to use pyspedas to pull in STATIC data but I noticed large discrepancies in the data pulled by PySPEDAS vs pulling data in IDL. Looking at the...
Hi! I ran into an issue where setting .env variables programmatically after pyspedas is imported does not update the `CONFIG` dict defined in `pyspedas.mms.mms_config`. I got around this by defining...
Why use the time of now? Should the ’’ be changed to trange[1]?
It looks as if `hapiclient` is being called repeatedly, once for all _N_ parameters that have been specified by the user at and then again for each parameter individually...
IDL SPEDAS has several crib sheets showing how to make common changes to figures in tplot; I think we should reproduce some of these with the current bleeding edge of...
When using pyspedas, the following error regularly appears as a printed message to the console: ``` 11-Nov-21 20:04:13: /usr/lib/python3.8/asyncio/ ResourceWarning: unclosed event loop _warn(f"unclosed event loop {self!r}", ResourceWarning, source=self) ```...