expecta copied to clipboard
Add tvOS support
Adding tvOS support with Xcode 8.3
Not sure what exactly goes wrong, but it says that
Tests/Support/objc-build-scripts/cibuild: line 110: 1360 Abort trap: 6 xctool -project "$XCODEPROJ" $XCTOOL_OPTIONS "$@" 2>&1
ERROR: Unexpected action: test
I'm also not sure why to use Rakefile while we can go with .travis.yml similar to what Alamofire has.
Last time this was attempted it got stopped at some weird code signing issues - https://github.com/specta/expecta/pull/175
I think switching to a similar .travis.yml
as Alamofire may be simpler than the Rakefile approach WRT testing too.
@orta Sorry, it took me longer than I would expect :) So far I've added tvOS framework as well as setup unit tests execution for all of the supported targets in Debug + Release.
The only thing I'm not quite sure about is whether I need to add libExpecta-tvOS and do we need to run tests for iOS 8 and 9? I've skipped tests for iOS 8 / 9 due to the Travis CI issue https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/7638.
Also do I have to remove rakefile and objc-build-scripts?
Never worry about your time WRT shipping OSS. Doesn't look like anyone is being blocked by your work.
I think as long as there is the ability to generate a library that can be consumed by others (@tonyarnold has been shipping those with releases) then I think that's really the only responsibility left in the Rakefile or the build scripts.
I ran (according to the Carthage guide)
carthage build --no-current-skip
carthage archive
and got the following output (similar to what Tony Arnold did) Expecta.framework.zip