async-ssh2 copied to clipboard
How to obtain the exit_signal structure?
I'm running a remote command and I'm wondering how to obtain the exit_signal and error_message when calling channel.exit_signal().
Would you have any examples?
Here is a simple quick & dirty example:
use std::net::TcpStream;
use async_io::Async;
use async_std::task;
use async_std::net::ToSocketAddrs;
use async_std::io::ReadExt;
use async_ssh2::Session;
fn main() {
task::block_on(async {
// Connect to the local SSH server
let addr = "".to_socket_addrs().await
let tcp = Async::<TcpStream>::connect(addr).await.unwrap();
let mut sess = Session::new().unwrap();
sess.userauth_password("username", "password").await.unwrap();
let mut channel = sess.channel_session().await.unwrap();
channel.exec("sleep 90").await.unwrap();
let mut s = String::new();
channel.read_to_string(&mut s).await.unwrap();
println!("{}", s);
let exit_sig = channel.exit_signal().unwrap();
println!("Signal: {:?} Message: {:?}", exit_sig.exit_signal, exit_sig.error_message);
If I run that and then kill the spawned 'sleep 90' command from another terminal, it prints this:
Signal: Some("TERM") Message: None
If I let it run to completion, I get this:
Signal: None Message: None