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a quick racket wiki

Clash - a wiki in racket using scribble.

We plan to replace this wiki (eventually) with a wiki written in Racket, to which we will migrate the existing content.

(footer of the racket wiki on GitHub at


A wiki using scribble as the wiki text!


To replace


DRAFT - subject to change

GET http(s)://server/filename.html

  • file exist -> serve static file at specified path
  • file missing -> Redirect if applicable, otherwise start Edit flow

Edit flow edit form to create new page
GET http(s)://server/filename.html?action=edit
-> serve edit page servlet that retrieves scribble source and puts it in a form GET http(s)://server/filename <filename not found in #:server-root-path>
-> serve edit page adding parameters ?action=edit or maybe new
POST form to http(s)://server/filename.html
-> update scribble source file & generate target html file in #:server-root-path and redirect to target html file at http(s)://server/filename.html

the Scribble source and the generated html are in separate folders,

;; folder to store html static files
(define page-root (build-path (current-directory) "html"))
;; folder to store scribble source (or other source format)
(define scribble-root (build-path (current-directory) "scribble"))
  • filename.html is in #:extra-files-paths aka page-root
  • I'm trying to make it with plain old
    s hence the use of POST (or can I use PUT or invent a verb in modern browsers?)


  • [X] convert scribble to html
  • [ ] users/authentication (openID?)
  • [ ] git for versions (of the scribble files)
  • [ ] history, scribble-diff, rollback
  • [ ] An editor(in RacketScript), to provide a better UX than a form textbox
  • [ ] editing from DrRacket
  • [ ] pollen instead of scribble (pollen allows undefined identifiers - which scribble doesn't - which would be useful in creating new pages in a wiki-like fashion) pollen blog: may be relevant
  • [ ] support redirects
  • [ ] what else?

