ErlShell icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ErlShell copied to clipboard

by Neelkantham

Pretty Eshell

Pretty Eshell - A Renovate Erlang Shell with Colorfull Syntax Highlight.


Takes on Ubuntu with Default Terminal.

Pretty Eshell

Pretty Eshell


  • Erlang OTP 20 (stdlib-3.4)

How to install


  $ git clone --recursive

Automatically (you may need to run this command with sudo and run erl shell with sudo):

$ make install


  1. Find out what version of the stdlib library you're using by using application:which_applications() in the Erlang shell. The version number is the last element of the tuple.
  2. Compile the files (erl -make).
  3. Take the .beam files in ebin/$VSN/ and move them to $ROOT/lib/stdlib-$VSN/ebin/ for the OTP release of your choice.
  4. Start the Erlang shell associated with this version of the Erlang/OTP.
  5. Enjoy Colourfull shell :)

How to revert-back

Manually :

  1. got to $ROOT/lib/stdlib-$VSN/ebin/ and remove io_lib_pretty.beam,lib.beam,shell_profile.beam and shell.beam.
  2. Backup file will be there with extension .backup-pre-pretty-erlshell. like io_lib_pretty.beam.backup-pre-pretty-erlshell, lib.beam.backup-pre-pretty-erlshell and so on.
  3. Remove Back file extension ie. .backup-pre-pretty-erlshell
  4. restart Erlang Shell.
  5. done :)



Thanks to Fred Hebert for details explanation about erlang shell on his blog post REPL? A bit more (and less) than that

and last but not least A Big thanks to Erlang OTP team, SpawnFest 2017 Organizers, Judges, Sponsors and Gogole.

Happy Coding :)