AmbiqSuiteSDK copied to clipboard
A copy of the AmbiqSuite SDK available on GitHub. Can be used to include AmbiqSuite as a submodule. May be used to track issues in SDK releases, however this repo is not maintained by AmbiqMicro
Ambiq released SDK 3.0.0 some months ago, which is the latest for the Apollo3 family. The hookup guide for the Edge board is for V2.4.2. Some prerequisites have newer versions,...
**Quick Steps to Reproduce:** ``` am_hal_stimer_config(AM_HAL_STIMER_CFG_CLEAR | AM_HAL_STIMER_CFG_FREEZE); am_hal_stimer_config(AM_HAL_STIMER_HFRC_3MHZ); am_hal_stimer_int_enable(AM_HAL_STIMER_INT_COMPAREA); am_hal_stimer_compare_delta_set(0, 50000); ``` - observe no interrupt fired **Description** There are 2 bits that need to be set in order...
As evidenced by changes required for this [PR in the mbed port]( it is difficult to fully disable the FIFO on UART while using HAL configuration. branch [2.4.2-patch-uart-fifo-config]( adds an...
Changed mspi interrupt number to 0 to fit on apollo3 board. Not like apollo3p board. There are 3 mspi isr in apollo3p board.
The call to am_hal_pwrctrl_periph_disable will leave some values of the UARTn->CR register powered up and the current draw to be 200-300nA higher than expected. The below adjustment is acceptable since...
the common examples of board_sfe is old than the SDK version. So All makefile should be updated such as below: ``` INCLUDES = -I$(SDKPATH)/utils INCLUDES+= -I$(SDKPATH)/third_party/exactle/ble-host/sources/stack/l2c INCLUDES+= -I$(SDKPATH)/third_party/exactle/ble-profiles/sources/profiles/hid INCLUDES+= -I$(SDKPATH)/third_party/exactle/ble-profiles/sources/profiles/fmpl...
The MSPI13 -> MSPI3 typo fix that was made in version 2.5.1 of the [Ambiq SDK 2.5.1](, section 6, Boards and BSP > 5. Correct a typo in apollo3_evb BSP...
Hi, I have been exploring this reporsitory but not able to find SD card demo, please can u share a link if its already a part of it and if...
misleading documentation issue with am_hal_wdt looking at the current version of this which I believe uses sdk 2.2 if you look in am_hal_wdt.h then you can see that ui16ResetCount is...