CoreFTP copied to clipboard
An FTP library written in C# with no external dependencies
Hi there, I've got a nightly process running that uses your library. Many thanks for making it available. However, this line randomly throws an exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside...
When trying to open a datastream with EncryptionType == FtpEncryption.Explicit in basically get stuck in ActivateEncryptionAsync() while calling SslStream.AuthenticateAsClientAsync(..) and then fail with this stacktrace ``` System.IO.IOException: Authentication failed...
when I connect to FTP server it connect to high port (50000+) and stuck when OpenFileReadStreamAsync after login using (var ftpClient = new FtpClient(new FtpClientConfiguration { Host = PrPath, Username...
The server I'm trying to connect with fails to send the "MSIL" feature on the "FEAT" call. However I know this to be a windows directory. I'd like to be...
`Unhandled Exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Syntax error, command unrecognized.) ---> CoreFtp.I nfrastructure.FtpException: Syntax error, command unrecognized. at CoreFtp.FtpClient.d__56.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where...
Hi, I've got Read permission on the home directory already and I can connect to the server using Filezilla and puTTy, but using CoreFTP in my c# app gives me...
Hi, When i try to logout, I am getting many (but not always) an error on the `LogoutAsync()` method. This is my callstack: ``` Error occured in TryUploadFileAsync 3/10: System.IO.IOException:...
I added my certificate in FtpClientConfiguration, but I still receive error. > System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.) ---> System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException:...
I am using CoreFtp with .net core 1.1.1. When I connect to a remote server and list the folder, the socket appears to remain open, even once the work is...
Hi @sparkeh9 There is a problem with your great package. I got this warning from nuget today. Could you please check it and release new version if needed? > This...