Adam Freidin
Adam Freidin
1. `hasOwnPropert` needs a `y` in the [broadcast method]( 2. The homepage says that the `isVoid` annotation was removed in 2010, but here it [lingers](
Hi! 👋 Firstly, thanks for your work on this project! 🙂 Today I used [patch-package]( to patch `[email protected]` for the project I'm working on. I'm building better-sqlite3 with electron-forge /...
So, I had this hair-brained idea to use ts-morph to wrap await around sub-expressions. E.g. `fetch('').json().data.x` -> `(await (await fetch('')).json()).data.x` **Describe the bug** Version: 20.0.0 I get the following error...
## Observation lists two options for the headers field (passing the `Headers` object isn't actually in the spec). In `lib.dom.d.ts` the field has the following type ( [link]( )...
"description": "Sweet Disposition: Interoperable Content-[Disposistion]( headers"
Attempting to generalize the maybe type in the tests, I found two issues: ``` verve type maybe { Just(type) None() } implementation printable { fn to_string(a) { match a {...
### Provide your feedback here. these two exports appear to be identical in content? ```json "name": "@internationalized/date", "version": "3.5.2", "description": "Internationalized calendar, date, and time manipulation utilities", "license": "Apache-2.0", "main":...
### Describe the bug Filed an issue in melt-ui, Cross-posting for visibility in case this actually is a larger issue in svelte's code gen emit ordering. ### Reproduction Starting...
The calculation of `left` in decryption can result in a negative number when `modulu` is less than 0, this leads to a failure to recover the original value. The...
### input ### output