zabo-front-reactjs copied to clipboard
Image and Poster Advertising Service @ KAIST
ZABO with modern JS, designed and developed by SPARCS
Go to ZABO
ZABO helps KAIST students based individuals or clubs advertising themselves via web based platform. While this service is open for public, only approved groups are able to post images. Please submit your request in order to create a new group via our website.
This Project is being maintained by SPARCS KAIST
We're expecting our users post there recruiting announcements, performance schedules, and any other events advertisments. However, there's no strict restrictions on contents that users upload.
Please contact us to get more detailed information.
If you're looking for backend codes, you can find it in here
Table of Contents
- Prerequisites
Getting Started
Running Development Server
- Using npm
- Using yarn
Available Scripts
- Storybook
- ~~Generate Component~~
- Post Build
- Pre-Commit
Get Ready for Production
- Using npm
- Using yarn
Running Development Server
- Proxy API Requests
- Authentication
- Built With
- Folder Structure
- Deployment
- Authors
- Contributing
- License
- Acknowledgements
You’ll need to have Node 16.15.1 or local development and production machine. You can use nvm (macOS/Linux) or nvm-windows to easily switch Node versions between different projects. Node.js. That's all you need.
node -v // v16.15.1
Getting Started
Running Development Server
Run webpack dev server
npm install // Installing dependencied with node js package manager
npm start // Refer to react-scripts( to learn more about this.
// Follow the instructions on terminal
Run server
yarn // Installing dependencied with node js package manager
yarn start // Refer to react-scripts( to learn more about this.
// Follow the instructions on terminal
Available Scripts
yarn storybook
Generate Component
Using React hook, this script is no longer used.
yarn generate [% component_architecture %] [% component_name %] "[% options %]"
- component_architecture : One of [atoms, molecules, organisms, templates, pages]
- component_name : Captitalized first character is recommended (ex: HomePage)
- options (optional) : Combination of characters (r : react component, s : styled component, y : storybook, c : redux container) or '*' for all. Options must be captured inside quotes (" or '). Default option is "rsy"
Post Build
yarn postbuild
Helper script, making Front-end deployment graceful.
Automatically triggered after build command finishes.
yarn precommit
Lint and rewrite staged files.
Automatically triggered before commit.
Get Ready for Production
Build static files with webpack
npm install // Installing dependencied with node js package manager
npm run build // Refer to react-scripts( to learn more about this.
server -s deploy // or serve static files located in /deploy with whatever you like!
// I recommend you to set up production server with nginx. Please refer to [Deployment](#deployment) section for more.
Build static files with webpack
yarn // Installing dependencied with node js package manager
yarn build // Refer to react-scripts( to learn more about this.
server -s deploy // or serve static files located in /deploy with whatever you like!
// I recommend you to set up production server with nginx. Please refer to [Deployment](#deployment) section for more.
Proxy API Requests
Using http-proxy-middleware, all requests are proxied to localhost:6001 on which our API server is located.
All requests sent from client are intercepted by an axios instance located in axios.js.
Axios request interceptor attaches authentication token into request header.
Built with
- Atomic Web Design
- Create React App - Easy set up for react project
- Redux - In-memory data structure store.
Folder Structure
├── deploy
├── public
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── .gitignore
├── tools
│ ├──
│ └──
├── src
│ ├── index.js - Entry point
│ ├── App.js
│ ├── boot.js - Ran before rendering app
│ │
│ ├── components - All React Components
│ │ ├── container
│ │ ├── atoms
│ │ ├── molecules
│ │ ├── organisms
│ │ ├── templates
│ │ └── pages - Please refer to atomic web design (
│ │
│ ├── lib - Libraries and utility functions
│ ├── hoc - Higher order components (
│ ├── locales - Translation files /en, /kr
│ ├── static - Static files such as images
│ └── store - Redux files
└── index.js - Entry point
First, build static files with webpack regarding to Get Ready for Production And then follow zabo-server-nodejs deployment guide-line
Please checkout for more.
- Cookie - Cookie
- Youns - Youns
- Hubo - bhanghj3094
- Hou - Sanghou
- Parang - pa-rang
- Paco - pacokwon
- Sniperj - sni-j
- LuLu-jun - lulu-jun
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
We're renewing following projects.