new-ara-api copied to clipboard
Restful API for Ara, KAIST's official community service
Restful API for Ara, KAIST's official community service
Project Setup
Use pipenv to install packages. (e.g., pipenv install <package>
pipenv --python 3.11 # Use python 3.11
pipenv shell # Activate virtual environment
pipenv install --dev # Install packages (`--dev` flag for development)
# Run `pre-commit` automatically on `git commit`
pre-commit install
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg
How to Run
docker compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up -d
pipenv shell
make run
- Base URL:
- Admin page:
- API documentations:
How to Contribute
- Follow Conventional Commits for writing commit messages.
- Use type hints strictly. (Check PEP 484.)