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Open Humanities & Social Sciences Do-a-thon Session: Out of Sunday's unconference came several ideas for action - so let's make them happen!
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At a glance
Submission name: Open Humanities & Social Sciences Do-a-thon Session
Contact lead: [email protected]
Issue area: #OpenAccess, #OpenData, #OpenResearch
Region: #None
Issue Type: #Project
Types of Support Needed: #Advocacy_and_Policy, #Communications, #Community_GrassrootsOrganizing
Project Website: undefined
Open Humanities and Social Sciences are as well represented in open conversations as other fields, and face unique challenges. In this session, and into the future, we're aiming to start building connections between those of us working on all kinds of open issue in Humanities and Social Sciences in order to build momentum and move forward.
- Launch OpenCon OHSS group
- Draft submission to OpenCon organizing committee to include more OHSS in programming
- Draft "State of OHSS" discussing unique challenges & identifying stakeholders
- Create resources for advocating for OHSS
What are we working on during the do-a-thon? What kinds of support do we need?
Hopefully anyone working on or interested in open issues in Humanities & Social Sciences can find a way to contribute. We'll be working collaboratively on a few documents and discussing plans for future activities.
How can others contribute?
To get us started, I've dropped some notes in a doc for each of the goals listed above. I imagine we'll break into smaller groups for some or all of these.
If you're interested in participating remotely, let us know! You can either email me or tweet me @zwhnz and we'll get you on a call if we can, or we can just work collaboratively in Google Docs.
This post is part of the OpenCon 2017 Do-A-Thon. Not sure what's going on? Head here.
We're in the Ruska room!
We're also doing most of work in this GDoc -
Brief discussion of the differences between talking about "open" vs. "digital" humanities. Seems the consensus is that digital is the easier sell.
Discussing the potential development of a Open Con Humanities and Social Sciences Collective
I made a github organization. The github usernames I was able to find I've already invited. If you want an invite, let me know!
Discussing the differences in how we use language like "researcher" vs. "scholar" and "open science" vs. "open humanities"
We're going to set up a zotero group to share links
A space for the OA toolkit
Like this comment if you would like an invite to our GitHub account
Hi, please can you add me to the toolkit - thanks!
Plan for Developing a Toolkit for Talking about Open with Humanists
Goal of the exercise is to utilize resources that are out there to produce a 2-3 page resource for talking productively about "open" and "humanities"
- Divide into teams of 2
- Each team pick one chapter from Martin Eve's book "Open Access in the Humanities" or another resource on this list.
- Each team works through the chapter and identifies key terms, bullet points, strategies, etc.
- One team member could take notes while the other skims the chapter and calls things out
Post your toolkit/notes here!
Google group:!forum/openhumsocsci
Humanities Commons is a possible pre-print space for what we do -
Preprint communities springing up based on OSF, here's the new one for Library Science. So far as I know there isn't one for Political Science yet :( or super important resources like NGO/civil society reports and research
Network of volunteers for translation of documents: #62
Open Library of Humanities
I just found out that there is/was a Open Humanities group within Open Knowledge. Seems to be inactive, but the mailing list should still be up. Maybe we should get in touch
home page
mailing list
I remember that group - definitely inactive now, there is someone from Open Knowledge Maps here, maybe they know more about OK's current priorities
Hey all, can you update the issues so that @sarataomane can find you?
We are at the helpdesk!
We are in the lobby just across from the Help desk!
There are several groups working on different tasks. One is building the toolkit, another is discussing quantitative/data in the open humanities, and another is drafting a statement about the humanities at OpenCon.
Toolkit workflow is above, if you'd like to join in.
Drafting statement of intent happening here.
By show of thumbs, how to people feel about setting up a Slack channel at some point?
Also, website. Work in progress.
PPl working on the statement, where can I join you (physically :-)) ?
@zwhpressbooks see above!
@etothczifra we're at the back of the lobby in the middle!
SPARC's ConnectOER project:
Idea: expand ConnectOER and create platforms for OA and OD that describe Open efforts by discipline (humanities)
If all don't mind, I'd be happy to take what we've worked on this afternoon and start to chunk it into a toolkit looking format (probably on the plane home). Will make sure to give appropriate credit to all involved. Please leave your name somewhere if you've worked on the toolkit!
What do people think about using Humanities Commons ( as an organising tool for this group? Many humanities researchers are already there, so it might help raise awareness, and it's a non-profit open access site. Edit: I've just seen that this has already been discussed!