XPT2046 copied to clipboard
Arduino library for XPT2046 / ADS7843 touchscreen driver
Fixes the `WARNING: Category '' in library XPT2046 is not valid. Setting to 'Uncategorized'` warning in Arduino IDE 1.6.6. If you disagree with my category choice I'm happy to change...
I had a weird issue with my TJCTM24028-SPI (cheap eBay touch screen + TFT) and this library. When touching the lower 25% of the screen, the XPTPaint program worked ok,...
Examples work only if you change rows in the original was so ``` void setup() { delay(1000); ucg.begin(UCG_FONT_MODE_TRANSPARENT); //ucg.begin(UCG_FONT_MODE_SOLID); touch.begin(ucg.getWidth(), ucg.getHeight()); // Must be done before setting rotation ucg.setRotate270(); touch.setRotation(touch.ROT270);...
Hello, thank you for sharing this project with us ! I have some questions about the physical configuration. I am using an ESP82-66-12E board. I made following connections +5V =>Vin...
Add SPI.beginTransaction for each SPI section in touch module. When ILI4391 is using higher clock speed, reading from touch will be incorrect.