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playbook do not create container goofys

Open Seele-Vollerei32 opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

Playbook Configuration:

My vars.yml file looks like this:

# The bare domain name which represents your Matrix identity.
# Matrix user ids for your server will be of the form (`@user:<matrix-domain>`).
# Note: this playbook does not touch the server referenced here.
# Installation happens on another server ("matrix.<matrix-domain>").
# If you've deployed using the wrong domain, you'll have to run the Uninstalling step,
# because you can't change the Domain after deployment.
# Example value:

# The Matrix homeserver software to install.
# See `roles/matrix-base/defaults/main.yml` for valid options.
matrix_homeserver_implementation: synapse

# A secret used as a base, for generating various other secrets.
# You can put any string here, but generating a strong one is preferred (e.g. `pwgen -s 64 1`).
matrix_homeserver_generic_secret_key: 'SECRET_KEY'

# This is something which is provided to Let's Encrypt when retrieving SSL certificates for domains.
# In case SSL renewal fails at some point, you'll also get an email notification there.
# If you decide to use another method for managing SSL certificates (different than the default Let's Encrypt),
# you won't be required to define this variable (see `docs/`).
# Example value: [email protected]
matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_support_email: '[email protected]'

# A Postgres password to use for the superuser Postgres user (called `matrix` by default).
# The playbook creates additional Postgres users and databases (one for each enabled service)
# using this superuser account.
matrix_postgres_connection_password: 'PASSWORD'

matrix_synapse_enable_registration: true
matrix_synapse_registrations_require_3pid: 'email'

matrix_prometheus_enabled: true

matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_enabled: true

matrix_grafana_enabled: true

matrix_grafana_anonymous_access: false

# This has no relation to your Matrix user id. It can be any username you'd like.
# Changing the username subsequently won't work.
matrix_grafana_default_admin_user: "kevin"

# Changing the password subsequently won't work.
matrix_grafana_default_admin_password: "PASSWORD"

matrix_synapse_admin_enabled: true

matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_shared_secret_auth_enabled: true
matrix_synapse_ext_password_provider_shared_secret_auth_shared_secret: TOKEN

matrix_bot_mjolnir_enabled: true
matrix_bot_mjolnir_access_token: "TOKEN"
matrix_bot_mjolnir_management_room: "!"
matrix_synapse_ext_spam_checker_mjolnir_antispam_enabled: true
matrix_synapse_ext_spam_checker_mjolnir_antispam_config_block_invites: true
matrix_synapse_ext_spam_checker_mjolnir_antispam_config_block_messages: false
matrix_synapse_ext_spam_checker_mjolnir_antispam_config_block_usernames: false
matrix_synapse_ext_spam_checker_mjolnir_antispam_config_ban_lists: []

matrix_dimension_enabled: true
matrix_dimension_access_token: "TOKEN"
  - "@kevin:{{ matrix_domain }}"

matrix_s3_media_store_enabled: true
matrix_s3_media_store_bucket_name: "matrix-APPID
matrix_s3_media_store_aws_access_key: "AKID98rKWS7VcS1II2VhcGdjY6OQBgtpUszp"
matrix_s3_media_store_aws_secret_key: "SECRET_KEY"
matrix_s3_media_store_custom_endpoint_enabled: true
# Example: ""
matrix_s3_media_store_custom_endpoint: ""

Matrix Server:

  • OS: CentOS 7
  • Architecture: amd64

Problem description:

This problem appeared after I added Tencent Cloud COS

Additional context

journalctl -fu matrix-goofys.service

Apr 10 15:14:04 VM-16-3-centos systemd[1]: matrix-goofys.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
Apr 10 15:14:04 VM-16-3-centos systemd[1]: Stopped Matrix Goofys media store.
Apr 10 15:14:04 VM-16-3-centos systemd[1]: Starting Matrix Goofys media store...
Apr 10 15:14:04 VM-16-3-centos matrix-goofys[12238]: Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: matrix- goofys.service: No such container: matrix-goofys.service
Apr 10 15:14:04 VM-16-3-centos matrix-goofys[12244]: Error: No such container: matrix-goofys.service
Apr 10 15:14:04 VM-16-3-centos systemd[1]: Started Matrix Goofys media store.
Apr 10 15:14:05 VM-16-3-centos matrix-goofys[12253]: 2022/04/10 07:14:05.402478 main.FATAL Mounting file system: Mount: mount: running fusermount: exit status 1
Apr 10 15:14:05 VM-16-3-centos matrix-goofys[12253]: stderr:
Apr 10 15:14:05 VM-16-3-centos matrix-goofys[12253]: fusermount: mountpoint is not empty
Apr 10 15:14:05 VM-16-3-centos matrix-goofys[12253]: fusermount: if you are sure this is safe, use the 'nonempty' mount option
Apr 10 15:14:05 VM-16-3-centos systemd[1]: matrix-goofys.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Apr 10 15:14:05 VM-16-3-centos systemd[1]: Unit matrix-goofys.service entered failed state.
Apr 10 15:14:05 VM-16-3-centos systemd[1]: matrix-goofys.service failed.

systemctl status matrix-goofys.service

● matrix-goofys.service - Matrix Goofys media store
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/matrix-goofys.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Sun 2022-04-10 15:17:41 CST; 663ms ago
  Process: 17563 ExecStart=/usr/bin/env docker run --rm --name %n --log-driver=none --user=995:1001 --mount type=bind,src=/etc/passwd,dst=/etc/passwd,ro --mount type=bind,src=/etc/group,dst=/etc/group,ro --mount type=bind,src=/matrix/synapse/storage/media-store,dst=/s3,bind-propagation=shared --security-opt apparmor:unconfined --cap-add mknod --cap-add sys_admin --device=/dev/fuse --env-file=/matrix/synapse/config/env-goofys --entrypoint /bin/sh ewoutp/goofys:latest -c goofys -f --endpoint= --region eu-central-1 --stat-cache-ttl 60m0s --type-cache-ttl 60m0s --dir-mode 0700 --file-mode 0700 matrix-APPID /s3 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
  Process: 17555 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/env docker rm %n (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
  Process: 17548 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/env docker kill %n (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
 Main PID: 17563 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Seele-Vollerei32 avatar Apr 10 '22 07:04 Seele-Vollerei32

Don't have a solution for you (besides modifying the service to add the 'nonempty' flag, which could have side effects). I'm running into the same issue, but there is already an issue open for this:

lusky3 avatar Aug 13 '22 05:08 lusky3

Fixed by

spantaleev avatar Oct 14 '22 08:10 spantaleev