sublime-DefaultFileType copied to clipboard
The very basics of the Documentation sucks
Perhaps you should make it obvious atleast SOMEWHERE that the settings need to be formatted like this:
"default_new_file_syntax" : "Packages/HTML/HTML.tmLanguage",
"use_current_file_syntax" : false
and not like this:
- `default_new_file_syntax` *(String)* This is the path, relative to the Sublime base directory to the language file you'd like to load as the default. Default value is `"Packages/Java/Java.tmLanguage"`
- `use_current_file_syntax` *(Boolean)* Set this to `true` to use the current file's syntax for the new file. If `false`, then the default (above) will always be used. Default value is `true`
and also, not like this:
default_new_file_syntax (String)
use_current_file_syntax (Boolean)
You could even include an example settings file!
While I agree there is assumed knowledge (since the JSON format is standard for prefs in ST2/3) with the instructions of configuring the preferences file, the issue title isn't going to get anyone hustling to fix it.
I'm shocked that a user who able to file an issue on github doesn't know ST2/3 use JSON format for almost all the ST2/3 configuration files. I think you really should RTFM for SublimeText to understand how powerful editor is.
I'm not sure what relevance someone's ability to use GitHub has in regards to magically already having in-depth knowledge of what formatting/extension types a particular program uses, so please try to keep your comments relevant.
On topic, since this particular issue is relevant to mine, are there any known quirks with this plugin? I've created the default files, filled the formatting out correctly, and can't seem to make it change the default file type. The plugin itself does work, because files are now default-opening into Java, but the rather large project I'm working on currently is html, and for the life of me I can not figure out why it's not taking the new configs. (ST2, don't particularly like ST3)
meh I'll just make a new one.
If someone is able to use GitHub issue to complain README sucks, then why he didn't read SublimeText's Manual? I reply so, because the answer is already in ST's manual. Almost every config file in ST use same JSON format. He really need to read the manual of ST. PS. I do apology to use "RTFM" which doesn't fix anything. sorry to reader here and timothy-vass.
reply to leeber, Windows is able to associate multiple program to one file format, please try press "shift" key while you double click on .html files so you can choose which program to edit it(make sure you tick the box set program as default next time)
being a non programmer, tho i like to hack around other folks scripts, i agree with OP, not flaming, just saying, thanks for this superb editor.