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Update various NIRCam coronagraph reference data
Issue by mperrin
Thursday Apr 28, 2016 at 05:04 GMT
Originally opened as https://github.com/mperrin/webbpsf/issues/115
Per various emails from Stansberry:
- The ND squares are not actually truly neutral, they definitely have some color to them. We could add the appropriate relative spectral response.
- From https://confluence.stsci.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=52920601: "The wedge element in the SW pupil wheel has chromatic effects which impact PSF shape for wide-bandpass filters, so PSF subtraction will be particularly tricky unless target and PSF reference star are very similar in color.” That’s an effect that is totally neglected in WebbPSF right now.
Comment by mperrin
Friday Apr 29, 2016 at 18:13 GMT
Coronagraph wedges info.
From NIRCam Engineering Memorandum NIR-EM_0424 "Coronagraph Wedge Angle Tolerance Effect on Focal Plane Image Position" (provided by Stansberry):
- SW wedge is BaF_2, angle is 5 degrees
- LW wedge is fused silicon, angle is 0.5 degrees.
- pupil stop diameter is 42 mm
- note also the pupil wheel mechanical repeatability was estimated to result in up to 2 pixels of PSF shifts in the direction parallel to the axis of the bar occulter. But that was a circa-2007 estimate and is thus not the most up to date numbers.
From "NIRCam wedge dispersion trade_Si-BaF2-CaF2-Fused Silica.ppt" for the BaF2 prism
With respect to the wavelength dependence brought on by the Lyot wedges, would it be a process similar to the one we performed for the defocus Zernike component? That is, we would calculate how tip/tilt changes with wavelength using the Zemax data, then modify the OPD map for a given wavelength using the tip/tilt offset values?
Yes, that would be the way to do it. Conceptually identical, except for modifying a different coefficient.