Space Otter
Space Otter
I'm updating > view or check up on the health and status of ongoing work & maintenance of your instance. to instead read > view or check up on the... & now have a Status page. With time, hopefully more & more sites will opt for status pages as well. Marking this issue as resolved.
some people have suggested the last thumbnail in the 4-thumbnail display contain the text "+1" for 5 images, "+2" for 6 images, & so forth. People have suggested the 4th...
other petty (probably poor) examples (once again frontend-ish; not that backend ones could not exist). module that rainbow-izes certain tags on June, migrate core code responsible for disallowing specific tags...
partly related to #18127
I would love to see this feature too 🙏
@renchap could we please keep this issue open or have it filed as will not implement. Given the original request: (A) At the very least it should be possible to...
@renchap ok I just checked feature (B) and it too does not meet OP's request. So unless there is additional unreleased code that has not made its way into the...
@Gargron I tried that but it also matches posts containing the text "hashtag". For example, `from:user@domain #test` will also match posts from user `user@domain` containing `testing` not just those tagged...
The search system isn't truly tag-aware. Other oddities: searching for something like `#tag20` matches post containing the text `tag` (not the hashtag `#tag20`) and (more surprisingly) posts containing the text...