grpc_requests copied to clipboard
python grpc reflaction client
grpc requests
GRPC for Humans
from grpc_requests import Client
client = Client.get_by_endpoint("localhost:50051")
assert client.service_names == ["helloworld.Greeter"]
request_data = {"name": 'sinsky'}
result = client.request("helloworld.Greeter", "SayHello", request_data)
print(result) # {"message":"Hellow sinsky"}
- connect server using reflection or Stub
- no need stub class request grpc(if you want)
- support all unary & stream method
- support tls & compression connect
- support AsyncIO API
pip install grpc_requests
use it like RPC!
If your server support reflection!
from grpc_requests import Client
client = Client.get_by_endpoint("localhost:50051")
# if you want connect tls
# client = Client.get_by_endpoint("localhost:443",ssl=True)
# or if you want Compression connect
# client = Client.get_by_endpoint("localhost:443",compression=grpc.Compression.Gzip)
assert client.service_names == ["helloworld.Greeter",'']
health = client.service('')
assert health.method_names == ('Check', 'Watch')
result = health.Check()
assert result == {'status': 'SERVING'}
greeter = client.service("helloworld.Greeter")
request_data = {"name": 'sinsky'}
result = greeter.SayHello(request_data)
results = greeter.SayHelloGroup(request_data)
requests_data = [{"name": 'sinsky'}]
result = greeter.HelloEveryone(requests_data)
results = greeter.SayHelloOneByOne(requests_data)
or not you can also use your stub
from grpc_requests import StubClient
from .hellow_pb2 import Descriptor
service_descriptor = DESCRIPTOR.services_by_name['Greeter'] # or you can just use _GREETER
client = StubClient.get_by_endpoint("localhost:50051",service_descriptors=[service_descriptor,])
# if you want connect tls
# client = Client.get_by_endpoint("localhost:443",ssl=True)
# or if you want Compression connect
# client = Client.get_by_endpoint("localhost:443",compression=grpc.Compression.Gzip)
assert client.service_names == ["helloworld.Greeter"]
greeter = client.service("helloworld.Greeter")
request_data = {"name": 'sinsky'}
result = greeter.SayHello(request_data)
results = greeter.SayHelloGroup(request_data)
requests_data = [{"name": 'sinsky'}]
result = greeter.HelloEveryone(requests_data)
results = greeter.SayHelloOneByOne(requests_data)
request unary-unary
service = "helloworld.Greeter"
unary_unary_method = 'SayHello'
request_data = {"name": 'sinsky'} # You Don't Need Stub!
result = client.request(service, unary_unary_method, request_data)
assert dict == type(result) # result is dict Type!!! not Stub Object!
assert {"message":"Hellow sinsky"} == result
# or
request_data = {"name": 'sinsky'} # You Don't Need Stub!
# any one know this method is unary-unary
result = client.unary_unary(service, unary_unary_method, request_data)
assert dict == type(result) # result is dict Type!!! not Stub Object!
assert {"message":"Hellow sinsky"} == result
request unary-stream
unary_stream_method = 'SayHelloGroup'
unary_stream_results = client.request(service, unary_unary_method, request_data)
assert all([dict == type(result) for result in unary_stream_results])
assert [{"message":"Hellow sinsky"}] == list(unary_stream_results)
# or
unary_stream_results = client.unary_stream(service, unary_unary_method, request_data)
assert all([dict == type(result) for result in unary_stream_results])
assert [{"message":"Hellow sinsky"}] == list(unary_stream_results)
request stream-unary
requests_data = [request_data] # iterator
stream_unary_method = 'HelloEveryone'
result_stream_unary = client.request(service, stream_unary_method, requests_data)
assert dict == type(result) # result is dict Type!!! not Stub Object!
# or
result_stream_unary = client.stream_unary(service, stream_unary_method, requests_data)
assert dict == type(result) # result is dict Type!!! not Stub Object!
request stream-stream
requests_data = [request_data] # iterator
stream_stream_method = 'SayHelloOneByOne'
result = client.request(service, stream_stream_method,requests_data )
assert all([dict == type(result) for result in unary_stream_results])
# or
result = client.stream_stream(service, stream_stream_method,requests_data )
assert all([dict == type(result) for result in unary_stream_results])
Reflection Client but you can send mesg by stub
from grpc_requests import Client
from helloworld_pb2 import HelloRequest
port = '50051'
host = "localhost"
endpoint = f"{host}:{port}"
client = Client.get_by_endpoint(endpoint)
print(client.service_names) # ["helloworld.Greeter"]
service = "helloworld.Greeter"
method = 'SayHello'
result = client.unary_unary(service, method, HelloRequest(name='sinsky'))
print(type(result)) # result is dict Type!!! not Stub Object!
print(result) # {"message":"Hellow sinsky"}
# or get raw response data
result = client.unary_unary(service, method, HelloRequest(name='sinsky'),raw_output=True)
print(type(result)) # HelloReply stub class
from grpc_requests.aio import AsyncClient
client = AsyncClient("localhost:50051")
health = await client.service('')
assert health.method_names == ('Check', 'Watch')
result = await health.Check()
assert result == {'status': 'SERVING'}
greeter = await client.service("helloworld.Greeter")
request_data = {"name": 'sinsky'}
result = await greeter.SayHello(request_data)
results =[x async for x in await greeter.SayHelloGroup(request_data)]
requests_data = [{"name": 'sinsky'}]
result = await greeter.HelloEveryone(requests_data)
results = [x async for x in await greeter.SayHelloOneByOne(requests_data)]
Road map
- [x] support no reflection server(Stub Client)
- [x] support async API!
- [ ] Document!
- [ ] plugable interceptor
Relation Project
- homi : micro grpc framework like flask. easy to use!
Change Logs
- :bug:
- remove click
- :warning:
- ignore test before deploy...
- :bug:
- Change
- remove unused package : click #35
- Change
- :sparkles: Feature
- #29 support fully TLS connect
- :bug:
- #30 ignore reflection if already registered service
- Change
- #23 grpcio version up
- :sparkles: Feature
- :bug:
- #19 fix 3.6 compatibility issue : await is in f-string
- :bug:
- :sparkles: Feature
- #13 support AsyncIO API
- :sparkles: Feature
- :sparkles: Feature
- #12 add StubClient
- :bug: Bug Fix!
- #11 bypasss kwargs to base client
- :sparkles: Feature
- Feature
- support Compression
- Feature
- Feature
- support tls connect
- Feature
- Change
- response filed get orginal proto field(before returend lowerCamelCase)
- Change
- Feature
- dynamic request method
- service client
- Feature
- support all method type
- add request test case
- sync proto using reflection
- auto convert request(response) from(to) dict
- support unary-unary