@long2ice do I still have to do something so this can get merged?
> Yes, just make ci pass It won't pass because it's a bug in tortoise-orm and I don't know how to fix the bug. This just adds a test case...
Can we get this merged?
@long2ice : I added some comments - could you merge this?
@abondar Could you merge this please?
Thanks for your reply! My goal is to provide a graph of performance over time. Since I always have a main python version that is supported I'd like to compare...
But how will it work then if I want to compare performance between runs?
yes - that would work as intended. 👍
Just a small note since I am really excited since this seems to get traction. Would it be possible to automatically resolve the json strings in json to the proper...
But as far as I understand on the event bus you have the corresponding event class instances and not only the string values. The closest websocket equivalent would be the...