Blender-O3D-IO-Public copied to clipboard
Load the actual transmap
# ==============================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2022 Thomas Mathieson.
# ==============================================================================
import os
def log(*args):
print("[O3D_CFG_Parser]", *args)
def read_cfg(filepath):
Reads the CFG file for a mesh and parses relevant information such as materials.
The `cfg_data` dictionary returned is of the following form:
cfg_data = {
("SD85\SD85_spiegel.o3d", "SD84-85_03.bmp"): {
"diffuse": "SD84-85_03.bmp",
"envmap": 0.5,
"last_line": 4673
:param filepath: Path to the CFG file to parse
:return: (An array of model file paths (.o3d/.x),
An array of light entity names,
The cfg_data dictionary: key=(mesh_path, diffuse_texture_path) value=dictionary describing the material),
The root folder of the material).
# get the folder
folder = (os.path.dirname(filepath))
if filepath[-3:] == "sco":
folder += "\\model"
# log("Loading " + filepath)
with open(filepath, 'r', encoding="1252") as f:
lines = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]
# Try a different encoding
with open(filepath, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f:
lines = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]
cfg_data = {}
files = []
lights = []
current_command = None
current_lod = (0, 0)
current_viewpoint = (0, 0)
current_mat = "null_mat"
current_mesh = None
param_ind = -1
light_ind = 0
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if len(line) > 2 and line[0] == "[" and line[-1] == "]":
current_command = line
param_ind = -1
param_ind += 1
if current_command == "[LOD]":
if param_ind == 0:
current_lod = (float(line), i)
elif current_command == "[viewpoint]":
if param_ind == 0:
current_viewpoint = (int(line), i)
elif current_command == "[mesh]":
if param_ind == 0:
mesh_path = folder + "\\" + line
if line[-4:] == ".o3d":
if os.path.isfile(mesh_path):
files.append((mesh_path, current_lod))
if line[-2:] == ".x":
if os.path.isfile(mesh_path):
files.append((mesh_path, current_lod))
current_mesh = line
# Setup a dummy material entry for per-mesh properties
current_mat = "null_mat"
# Needed by the exporter
# cfg_data[(current_mesh, line)] = {"last_line": i}
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)] = {}
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["LOD"] = current_lod
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["viewpoint"] = current_viewpoint
elif current_command == "[interiorlight]":
if param_ind == -1:
current_mesh = "::light_{0}".format(light_ind)
light_ind += 1
# Setup a dummy material entry for per-mesh properties
current_mat = "null_mat"
# Needed by the exporter
# cfg_data[(current_mesh, line)] = {"last_line": i}
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)] = {}
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["LOD"] = current_lod
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["viewpoint"] = current_viewpoint
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["light"] = {}
lights.append((current_mesh, current_mat))
if param_ind == 0:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["light"]["variable"] = line
elif param_ind == 1:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["light"]["range"] = float(line)
elif param_ind == 2:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["light"]["red"] = float(line)
elif param_ind == 3:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["light"]["green"] = float(line)
elif param_ind == 4:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["light"]["blue"] = float(line)
elif param_ind == 5:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["light"]["x_pos"] = float(line)
elif param_ind == 6:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["light"]["y_pos"] = float(line)
elif param_ind == 7:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["light"]["z_pos"] = float(line)
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["last_line"] = i
elif current_command == "[matl]" or current_command == "[matl_change]":
if param_ind == 0:
matl = line.lower()
cfg_data[(current_mesh, matl)] = {}
cfg_data[(current_mesh, matl)]["diffuse"] = (line, i)
current_mat = matl
if param_ind == 1:
# Last line is used by the exporter to determine where to insert new material properties in the file
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["last_line"] = i
elif current_command == "[matl_alpha]":
if param_ind == 0:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["alpha"] = (int(line), i)
except ValueError:
log("Found matl_alpha tag with invalid parameter! Line=" + str(i))
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["last_line"] = i
elif current_command == "[matl_transmap]":
if param_ind == 0:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["transmap"] = (line, i)
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["last_line"] = i
elif current_command == "[matl_envmap]":
# TODO: Load the actual transmap
if param_ind == 1:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["envmap"] = (float(line), i)
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["last_line"] = i
elif current_command == "[matl_envmap_mask]":
if param_ind == 0:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["envmap_mask"] = (line, i)
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["last_line"] = i
elif current_command == "[matl_bumpmap]":
if param_ind == 0:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["bumpmap"] = (line, i)
if param_ind == 1:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["bumpmap_strength"] = (float(line), i)
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["last_line"] = i
elif current_command == "[alphascale]":
if param_ind == 0:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["alphascale"] = (line, i)
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["last_line"] = i
elif current_command == "[matl_noZwrite]":
if param_ind == -1:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["noZwrite"] = True
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["last_line"] = i
elif current_command == "[matl_noZcheck]":
if param_ind == -1:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["noZcheck"] = True
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["last_line"] = i
elif current_command == "[matl_allcolor]":
if param_ind == -1:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["allcolor"] = []
elif param_ind < 14:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["allcolor"].append((float(line), i))
if param_ind == 13:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["last_line"] = i
elif current_command == "[matl_nightmap]":
if param_ind == 0:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["nightmap"] = (line, i)
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["last_line"] = i
elif current_command == "[matl_lightmap]":
if param_ind == 0:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["lightmap"] = (line, i)
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)]["last_line"] = i
elif current_mesh is not None:
# Current command is not currently parsed
if param_ind == -1:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)][current_command] = []
if param_ind >= 0:
cfg_data[(current_mesh, current_mat)][current_command].append(line)
return files, lights, cfg_data, (folder + "\\")
def blender_mat_2_cfg_material(obj):
Converts a blender material into a cfg_material dictionary as used by the importer
:param obj: object to convert
:return: a cfg_material dictionary of the form:
"diffuse":("diffuse_tex", line_number),
"alpha":(alpha_mode, line_number),
"transmap":("transmap_tex", line_number),
"envmap":(envmap_strength, line_number),
return {}
def cfg_material_prop_2_str(prop, value):
Converts a cfg_material property item into a string to be used in a CFG file
:param prop:
:param value:
:return: the converted string
if prop == "diffuse":
return "\n[matl]\n{0}\n0\n".format(value[0])
elif prop == "alpha":
return "\n[matl_alpha]\n{0}\n".format(str(value[0]))
elif prop == "transmap":
return "\n[matl_transmap]\n{0}\n".format(value[0])
elif prop == "envmap":
return "\n[matl_envmap]\nenvmap.bmp\n{0}\n".format(value[0])
log("WARNING: Material property: {0} couldn't be converted to a CFG property!")
return "\n"
def merge_cfg(filepath, objs):
Attempts to merge blender objects into an existing CFG/SCO file
:param filepath: path to the cfg file, if it doesn't exist a new one will be created
:param objs:
if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
with open(filepath, "w") as f:
# Create a new minimal CFG file
# Read what's currently in the CFG file to check if we can update anything
files, lights, cfg_materials, root_dir = read_cfg(filepath)
# Convert filepaths to object names (following the convention of the importer)
files = {str(x[0])[len(root_dir):-4] for x in files}
log("Skipping CFG merge for now... Not yet implemented...")
return cfg_materials
with open(filepath, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
inserted_lines = 0
for o in objs:
new_cfg_mat = blender_mat_2_cfg_material(o)
if in files:
# This object already exists in the CFG, try to update it if necessary
for prop in new_cfg_mat:
# TODO: cfg_materials is indexed by the tuple (obj_name, texture_name), this won't work
if prop in cfg_materials[]:
# Two matching properties, update the old one with the new
lines[cfg_materials[][prop][1] + inserted_lines] = new_cfg_mat[prop][0]
# Add the new property inside the material
if "last_line" not in cfg_materials[]:
# If the object only has a [mesh] defined and no material then we won't have the last line cached
# Hence we need to search for it
lines.insert(cfg_materials[]["last_line"]+1, cfg_material_prop_2_str(prop, new_cfg_mat[prop]))
# TODO: This won't work since new lines can be inserted out of order...
inserted_lines += 1
# Add a new entry to the CFG for this model file
lines.append("[mesh]\n{0}\n\n".format( + ".o3d"))
# Write material
for prop in new_cfg_mat:
lines.append(cfg_material_prop_2_str(prop, new_cfg_mat[prop]))
with open(filepath, "w") as f: