iri2016 copied to clipboard
IRI2016 NOT readily accessible from Matlab - cmake.setup missing
Cloning the master branch and running "TestAll" in MatLab results in the following error:
CMake Error: Cannot find file: ./iri2016-master/iri2016-master/src/iri2016/setup.cmake
This file is not present in the current repo, and older versions do not seem to have the desired effect.
- Provide setup.cmake that works
- Provide additional documentation on how to run the code correctly (from the master branch or otherwise).
Log and system details
- operating system: Windows 11/Matlab 2022b
- compiler & version: See log below.
Error Log:
CMake suite maintained and supported by Kitware (
- Extra verbosity turned on Reading Script: ./iri2016-master/iri2016-master/src/iri2016/setup.cmake CMake Error: Cannot find file: ./iri2016-master/iri2016-master/src/iri2016/setup.cmake
================================================================================ Error occurred in iri2016.TestUnit/test_simple and it did not run to completion. --------- Error ID: --------- '' -------------- Error Details: -------------- Error using assert error building with CMake
Error in cmake (line 15)
assert(system(cmd) == 0, 'error building with CMake')
Error in iri2016.iri2016 (line 16)
Error in iri2016.TestUnit/test_simple (line 11)
iono = iri2016.iri2016(time, glat, glon, altkmrange);
================================================================================ Done iri2016.TestUnit/test_simple in 0.38063 seconds Tearing down iri2016.TestUnit Done tearing down iri2016.TestUnit in 0 seconds Done iri2016.TestUnit in 0.38063 seconds
Failure Summary:
Name Failed Incomplete Reason(s)
iri2016.TestUnit/test_simple X X Errored.
Error using assert At least one test failed in the test session.
Error in matlab.unittest.internal.BaseTestResult/assertSuccess (line 125) assert(~any([resultArray.Failed]),message('MATLAB:unittest:TestResult:UnsuccessfulRun'));
Error in TestAll (line 23) assertSuccess(results)
Error in run (line 91) evalin('caller', strcat(script, ';'));
I was able to get it working, but had to go download the 1.11.1 from the release page and copied the setup.cmake from there into my other folder.
Also, the returned value for the TestUnit.m wasn't within the 1e-4 tolerance for the matlab.unittest so I changed it to 1e-3 to get it to pass. Maybe the comparison value was never updated after adding the 2020 .dat files?