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Error Using cMake
I'm having an error whenever I try to run IRI on matlab, and it states that there's an error using cmake. I updated the cmake on my computer. I ran "TestLint.m" and everything passed. When I run TestUnit.m, here is what it is showing me (attached screenshots). Could you help me out? I had this issue several months ago and you guys managed to fix it then. Thanks!
Can you try taking the space out of the folder name "IRI Analysis". I.e. make it "IRIAnalysis" it looks like it's failing there.
That seemed to have done the trick!
Hi. I have the same message but I dont have any space in the folder name. But I am not an experienced coder, I cant be called even as a coder. I installed python, msys2 Mingw, and many other things includes cmake (the path is pasted in environment variables). I dont know what to do. in fact, right now, I have no idea what I am doing with the codes and files. Just try and catch. Please show me the way I should follow. Thank you
@emrahyalcin23 , I realize this is now a few years old, but I just got it to work on Windows after figuring out where to get the setup.cmake file and a few other things. I had to make sure I installed gcc-gfortran, cmake, and a few other packages for the Fortran build to work properly.