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A differentiable version of SPTK


diffsptk is a differentiable version of SPTK based on the PyTorch framework.

Latest Manual Stable Manual Python Version PyTorch Version PyPI Version Codecov License GitHub Actions


  • Python 3.8+
  • PyTorch 1.10.0+


See this page for a reference manual.


The latest stable release can be installed through PyPI by running

pip install diffsptk


git clone https://github.com/sp-nitech/diffsptk.git
pip install -e diffsptk


Mel-cepstral analysis

import diffsptk
import torch

# Generate waveform.
x = torch.randn(100)

# Compute STFT of x.
stft = diffsptk.STFT(frame_length=12, frame_period=10, fft_length=16)
X = stft(x)

# Estimate 4-th order mel-cepstrum of x.
mcep = diffsptk.MelCepstralAnalysis(cep_order=4, fft_length=16, alpha=0.1, n_iter=1)
mc = mcep(X)

Mel-spectrogram extraction

import diffsptk
import torch

# Generate waveform.
x = torch.randn(100)

# Compute STFT of x.
stft = diffsptk.STFT(frame_length=12, frame_period=10, fft_length=32)
X = stft(x)

# Apply 4 mel-filter banks to the STFT.
fbank = diffsptk.MelFilterBankAnalysis(n_channel=4, fft_length=32, sample_rate=8000, floor=1e-1)
Y = fbank(X)

Subband decomposition

import diffsptk
import torch

K = 4   # Number of subbands.
M = 40  # Order of filter.

# Generate waveform.
x = torch.randn(100)

# Decompose x.
pqmf = diffsptk.PQMF(K, M)
decimate = diffsptk.Decimation(K)
y = decimate(pqmf(x), dim=-1)

# Reconstruct x.
interpolate = diffsptk.Interpolation(K)
ipqmf = diffsptk.IPQMF(K, M)
x_hat = ipqmf(interpolate(K * y, dim=-1))

# Compute error between two signals.
error = torch.abs(x_hat - x).sum()


~~module~~ will not be implemented in this repository.

  • [x] acorr
  • [ ] ~~acr2csm~~
  • [ ] ~~aeq~~ (torch.allclose)
  • [ ] ~~amgcep~~
  • [ ] ~~average~~ (torch.mean)
  • [x] b2mc
  • [ ] ~~bcp~~ (torch.split)
  • [ ] ~~bcut~~
  • [x] c2acr
  • [x] c2mpir
  • [x] c2ndps
  • [x] cdist
  • [ ] ~~clip~~ (torch.clip)
  • [ ] ~~csm2acr~~
  • [x] dct
  • [x] decimate
  • [x] delay
  • [x] delta
  • [x] dequantize
  • [x] df2
  • [x] dfs
  • [ ] ~~dmp~~
  • [ ] ~~dtw~~
  • [ ] ~~dtw_merge~~
  • [ ] ~~entropy~~ (torch.special.entr)
  • [ ] ~~excite~~
  • [ ] ~~extract~~
  • [x] fbank
  • [ ] ~~fd~~
  • [ ] ~~fdrw~~
  • [ ] ~~fft~~ (torch.fft.fft)
  • [ ] ~~fft2~~ (torch.fft.fft2)
  • [x] fftcep
  • [ ] ~~fftr~~ (torch.fft.rfft)
  • [ ] ~~fftr2~~ (torch.fft.rfft2)
  • [x] frame
  • [x] freqt
  • [ ] ~~glogsp~~
  • [ ] ~~gmm~~
  • [ ] ~~gmmp~~
  • [x] gnorm
  • [ ] ~~gpolezero~~
  • [ ] ~~grlogsp~~
  • [x] grpdelay
  • [ ] ~~gseries~~
  • [ ] ~~gspecgram~~
  • [ ] ~~gwave~~
  • [ ] ~~histogram~~ (torch.histogram)
  • [ ] ~~huffman~~
  • [ ] ~~huffman_decode~~
  • [ ] ~~huffman_encode~~
  • [x] idct
  • [ ] ~~ifft~~ (torch.fft.ifft)
  • [ ] ~~ifft2~~ (torch.fft.ifft2)
  • [x] ignorm
  • [ ] imglsadf (will be appeared)
  • [x] impulse
  • [x] imsvq
  • [x] interpolate
  • [x] ipqmf
  • [x] iulaw
  • [x] lar2par
  • [ ] ~~lbg~~
  • [x] levdur
  • [x] linear_intpl
  • [x] lpc
  • [ ] ~~lpc2c~~
  • [ ] ~~lpc2lsp~~
  • [x] lpc2par
  • [x] lpccheck
  • [ ] ~~lsp2lpc~~
  • [ ] ~~lspcheck~~
  • [ ] ~~lspdf~~
  • [ ] ~~ltcdf~~
  • [x] mc2b
  • [x] mcpf
  • [ ] ~~median~~ (torch.median)
  • [ ] ~~merge~~ (torch.cat)
  • [x] mfcc
  • [x] mgc2mgc
  • [x] mgc2sp
  • [x] mgcep
  • [ ] mglsadf (will be appeared)
  • [ ] ~~mglsp2sp~~
  • [ ] ~~minmax~~
  • [x] mlpg (support only unit variance)
  • [ ] ~~mlsacheck~~
  • [x] mpir2c
  • [ ] ~~mseq~~
  • [ ] ~~msvq~~
  • [ ] ~~nan~~ (torch.isnan)
  • [x] ndps2c
  • [x] norm0
  • [ ] ~~nrand~~ (torch.randn)
  • [x] par2lar
  • [x] par2lpc
  • [x] pca
  • [ ] ~~pcas~~
  • [x] phase
  • [x] pitch
  • [ ] ~~pitch_mark~~
  • [ ] ~~poledf~~
  • [x] pqmf
  • [x] quantize
  • [x] ramp
  • [ ] ~~reverse~~ (torch.flip)
  • [ ] ~~rlevdur~~
  • [x] rmse
  • [ ] ~~root_pol~~
  • [x] sin
  • [x] smcep
  • [x] snr
  • [x] sopr
  • [x] spec
  • [x] step
  • [ ] ~~swab~~
  • [ ] ~~symmetrize~~
  • [ ] ~~train~~
  • [ ] ~~transpose~~ (torch.transpose)
  • [x] ulaw
  • [ ] ~~vc~~
  • [ ] ~~vopr~~
  • [ ] ~~vstat~~ (torch.var_mean)
  • [ ] ~~vsum~~ (torch.sum)
  • [x] window
  • [ ] ~~x2x~~
  • [x] zcross
  • [x] zerodf


This software is released under the Apache License 2.0.