redmine_recurring_tasks copied to clipboard
Recurring task does not copy all attributes of issue
I would assume, and I obviously I am wrong, that the recurring task plugin would use the copy issue function available in redmine core as used by the UI when selecting the copy link at the top of an issue, and then adjust due dates according to the schedule. However copying a task from the UI copies all attributes of an issue, including attributes and fields added by other plugins, for example issue checklists added by the issue checklist plugin, while the recurring tasks plugin seems to recreate the issue, including only core functionaility, losing other attributes and fields in the process. I have recurring tasks that I would like to integrate checklists into. PM tasks to be specific. They have a checklist of items that must be addressed each day/week/month/etc.. Is there any way to include these fields and attributes added by these other plugins? Recurring tasks is functionaility that we will be very much dependant on, however this is a bit of a deal breaker for us, and I am sure it creates quite a restriction on other users as well.
I apologize, i just seen the note about this. However when I try to go to the settings page for the recurring tasks plugin i get an internal server error.