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A simple template engine inspired by jinja2


Build Status

Karver is a template engine written in Haskell, and the syntax is heavily inspired by jinja2.

The project is in early development, so it isn't as full featured or production ready as jinja is. However, karver's main focus is for Haskell programmers, wanting a template engine that is simple and has good performance.

A small taste of the syntax being:

{% if title %}
<h1 id="{{ title }}">{{ title }}</h1>
{% endif %}

{% for item in items %}
  <li>{{ item.name }} for {{ item.price }}</li>
{% endfor %}

Interface of Karver

The meat of karver is the renderTemplate function. With it's type signature being, renderTemplate :: HashMap Text Value -> Text -> Text, it takes a hashmap of variables being used by the template, and the template text itself. It of course returns the translated result, and since the type is Text, it supports Unicode right out of the box.

Programs using karver might look something like:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Text.Karver
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V

templateHashMap :: HashMap Text Value
templateHashMap = H.fromList $
  [ ("title", Literal "Grocery List")
  , ("items", List $ V.fromList [ Literal "eggs"
                                , Literal "flour"
                                , Literal "cereal"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  tplStr <- T.readFile "path/to/template.html"
  let htmlStr = renderTemplate templateHashMap tplStr
  T.writeFile "path/to/output.html" htmlStr

or if JSON is more your flavor:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Text.Karver
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TI

templateHashMap :: Text
templateHashMap = T.concat $
  [ "{ \"title\": \"Grocery List\""
  , ", \"items\": [ \"eggs\", \"flour\", \"cereal\" ]"
  , "}"

main :: IO ()
main = do
  tplStr <- TI.readFile "path/to/template.html"
  let htmlStr = renderTemplate' templateHashMap tplStr
  TI.writeFile "path/to/output.html" htmlStr

Getting Started

git clone git://github.com/sourrust/karver.git
cd karver
cabal configure --enable-tests

If the configure set fails you are going to want to install the missing packages and try again. Karver is built on the latest Haskell Platform and a few other dependencies.

cabal update
cabal install attoparsec \
              hspec \

And you're pretty much good to go. Just re-configure and cabal build and cabal test to run the test suite.

Writing Tests

Karver uses hspec for testing. Tests are located in the test/ directory and each file, being tested, has it's own corresponding Spec file. For example, Text/Karver/Parser.hs in src/, has a spec file Text/Karver/ParserSpec.hs inside of test/. Follow this rule if you add a new file that you want to test, because Spec.hs discovers the files with the name, so it needs Spec prefixing the file name for hspec to add it to the suite.

Now, actually writing the test is pretty simple.

describe "function you are testing" $ do
  it "case you will test for" $ do
    let value    = -- result from the function you are testing
        expected = -- what you expect the value to be
    value `shouldBe` expected

You can add more variable if needed, but the value should be expected, is just my personal preference to how the test should end.