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repos could be listed in a more useful order
I know I can type to search, but this drop-down menu would be much easier to browse if the repos were sorted alphabetically by organisation or user name first and then repo name second
Good suggestion, working on it. Will keep you posted.
@sergey48k Is it open for grab? I would like to work on this.
Edit: Ops. just seen the code base is in python. And I do not have a python background. Do you think I will be able to fix it? Or it requires alot of python knowledge?
Hi @arshadkazmi42
Thank you for offering help. This particular feature is outside of the code base of the hall-of-fame repo. The core tools in hof are command line, and this is a UI feature that sourcerer built internally to make it easier for sourcerer users. It will probably be easier for us to fix it internally, as well.
I looked at your profile: https://sourcerer.io/arshadkazmi42 . Looks like you do Android and Web programming. Maybe you have interest in helping us with the core sourcerer-app? It's a command line code analysis tool that runs both in a cloud (for public repos) and locally (for private ones). Sourcerer-app is written in Kotlin, which is JVM, and uses some Java libraries.
sorry, I posted the above from my test account by accident. but it's the same me. :)
@sergey48k I haven't been doing android for sometime now. And do not have a Kotlin backgroud. I used to work with Java. At present my laptop cannot withstand Android Studio. So will not be able to take any android related work. But I am interested to take anything else other than android