tiny.serial copied to clipboard
Software UART for ATTiny85
this sample is for an Atmel ATTiny85 (AVR uC)
to compile you need AVR-GCC toolchain for Linux.
install command for "debian like" GNU/Linux : sudo apt-get install gcc-avr binutils-avr gdb-avr avr-libc avrdude
to compile it : make to read program size : make size produce full disassembly file (.disasm): make disasm to upload : make upload |-> i use AVRDUDE with an Arduino UNO (with ArduinoISP sketch) to clean directory : make clean
info serial.c : -> define USE_PRINTF for use stdio printf() code is bigger, make size return .text +1700 bytes -> comment define USE_PRINTF for use custom serial_print() function produce tiny code, make size return .text +670 bytes
web site : http://source.perl.free.fr