zoekt copied to clipboard
ambiguous result: [] when click on links of zoekt web search result
The command to create index is,
$zoekt-repo-index -parallelism 16 -index /media/d/zoekt -name gerrit -base_url http://gerrit:8080/plugins/gitiles/ -manifest_repo_url http://gerrit:8080/plugins/gitiles/platform/manifest.git -repo_cache /media/d/mirror -manifest_rev_prefix= --rev_prefix=refs/heads/ master:default.xml
The command to start zoekt web server is,
$zoekt-webserver -index /media/d/zoekt -listen :8080
When click on links of zoekt web search result, the following error shows, how to fix it?
FYI, it works on latest version of https://github.com/google/zoekt.
@maksonlee sorry I don't have a gerrit server to test against. Can you share the log output both commands in the working and non-working case? Can you also share the output of ls -la /media/d/zoekt
Following are steps to reproduce the issue, this time, we try to index code from https://android.googlesource.com/
$ ./zoekt-mirror-gitiles -dest /media/d/repos https://android.googlesource.com/
$ ./zoekt-repo-index -index /media/d/zoekt -name android.googlesource.com -file_limit 1310720 -base_url https://android.googlesource.com/ -manifest_repo_url https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest.git -repo_cache /media/d/repos -manifest_rev_prefix= -rev_prefix=refs/heads/ master:default.xml
$ ./zoekt-webserver -index /media/d/zoekt -listen :8080
Thanks for the repro. That is quite a lot of repos to clone to my home machine. I'll try find some time this week were I try this out on a computer living in a datacenter.