I tried xresloader's runner, same thing except: It uploaded two smaller (boot.img recovery.img) files to the release The files exist, next step uploads them to telegram via telegram-upload which works
> Same problem, have you solve this yet? Nope, still facing it. If you come across anything, let me know please 😄  Any help/insight is appreciated
Doesn't seem to play well with wildcard
Okay so I personally gave up and uploaded directly through gh release create. Here's my script, tailored towards my needs: ``` # Upload '.zip's and '.img's directly from 'crave'...
> You could unpack the recovery.img, then unpack ramdisk, and add the missing props in default.prop. then repack the bootimg. for me, it resolved this issue. Ideally, where can these...
> use vendor_boot.img (Only for A/B devices) My device was a kitkat phone :P Thanks for the response tho
What patches exactly? I want to create a branch in a fork
> Widescreen and 60fps. Last patch must be fixed: it’s very old and conflict with some files. will try it out, thanks a lot. You mean the following, right? 60fps:
> Widescreen and 60fps. Last patch must be fixed: it’s very old and conflict with some files. baserom hash error arising, any idea?
> You need to find the right rom file. Some info about The 60fps patch is located in the enhancements directory. Widescreen patch can be finded here: Will...