machine-learning-cheat-sheet copied to clipboard
current latex template for this book is not satisfactory
When begin to write this book, candidate latex templates are MIT Press latex template - mitpress and Springer latex template - SVMult.
looks pretty close to my expectation, and its documents are more complete and detailed than mipress
, so I choose SVMult
to get started quickly.
Though SVMult
is good, but it's far from perfect. Actually I prefer this book, Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective very much, thus I wanna make this open source book look like it.
The book MLAPP is from MIT Press, but it looks totally different with the mipress
template. I guess although the MLAPP book is based on the mitpress
template , it has made a lot of customizations.
In future, I will change current template to mitpress
and do a lot of customizations.
If anybody knows there exists such a latex template similar to MLAPP, please let me know, I will be appreciated.
- 页边距太大了
- 积分式中的 dx 与之前的表达式应该有一个小的间距,且 d 应该直立,例如
\int_0^1 x^2\,\mathrm{d}x
- LaTeX 自带的免费 Times 字体是 URW Nimbus Roman No 9 L,用作数学字体时符号太窄,尤其是 sum 求和符号,巨丑,我现在一般用 Palatino 或 Computer Modern 字体,算法导论的 Times 字体用的是商业字体 MathTime Pro 2,稍微好点。总之我我尽量不用 Times 系列做数学字体,最多正文用 Times 系列,数字字体还用 Computer Modern(实际是 Latin Modern)或 Palatino(实际是 URL Palladio L 或 TeX Gyre Pagella)。这个就看你的喜好了,不强求,至少比 Word 强多了。
- 我也知道页面边距太大,你看看svmult.cls的第231-238行,这里可以调节页面布局,但是我调了很久,总是不能如愿 2和3我有空再看看
所以这本书就是把Machine learning: A Probabilistic Perspective浓缩了下?