gmusic-playlist copied to clipboard
ImportError: No module named Crypto.PublicKey
Steps I have followed:
- On my Windows 7 laptop I installed Python 2.7.11.
- Downloaded the gmusicplayer zip and extracted it into my downloads folder.
- Downloaded the gmusicapi zip, extracted it into my downloads folder, then copied the extracted folder to the gmusicapi folder. (I am a newbie and thought gmusicapi files had to be in the same folder as gmusicplayer to be recognized. Later I learned that I needed to install gmusicapi first)
- Installed gmusic api with the following command via a windows command prompt (start-->run-->cmd). C:\Users\rlopin\Downloads\gmusic-playlist-master\gmusic-playlist-master>c:\python27\python.exe install
- Updated the file to include my google user name and changed the delimiter to the pipe character to match the delimiter of the playlist file I created prior to step 1.
- Ran the C:\Users\rlopin\Downloads\gmusic-playlist-master\gmusic-playlist-master>c:\python27\python.exe "Rob's Dance Playlist.txt"
This is the resulting error: ImportError: No module named Crypto.PublicKey
Where do I find this module and how to I install it?
for windows I had to switch to using the python that comes with cygwin ( because I was getting the same error (or similar one) and I couldn't get the crypto or related dependencies to compile.
hope that you can get it figured out. python can be a bit tricky to get going. if you don't get things going and can hold out for another week or so I'm working on a different version of gmusic-playlist that doesn't depend on python.
the javascript version has been posted to