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Declarative client-side web fragment merger using web component APIs

Web Merge

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Declarative client-side web fragments (apps/files) merger using web component APIs




1. via npm (Recommended)

$ npm install @soubai/web-merge

# or

$ yarn add @soubai/web-merge

Then import it in your script

import '@soubai/web-merge'

2. via unpkg

<script type="module" src="//unpkg.com/@soubai/web-merge"></script>


use <web-merge> custom element to load you fragment into web application

<web-merge content="./fragments/fragment-1.html"></web-merge>

<web-merge content="./fragments/fragment-2.html"></web-merge>


content: define the source of you fragments (files,urls ...)

<web-merge content="./fragments/fragment-1.html"></web-merge>

<web-merge content="http://localhost:3000"></web-merge>

lazy: allow lazy loading for a fragment

<web-merge lazy content="./fragments/fragment-1.html"></web-merge>

route: define the route of the component that will be loaded when the this route is fired.

<web-merge route='/cart' content=""></web-merge>


1.State management

Web-merge includes a build-in simple state management system based on event (not Event bus).

The fragment parent expose a state class that can help you to mutate and get new store

// fragment-3.html

const { state } = parent;

//initial state 

state.init({ count: 0 })

//event name 

const COUNT_CHANGE = "countChange";

//Apply side effects 
state.on(COUNT_CHANGE, ({ count }) => {
    document.querySelector("span.value").textContent = count;


document.getElementById("inc").addEventListener("click", function () {
    state.dispatch(COUNT_CHANGE, ({ count }) => ({ count: count + 1 }));

document.getElementById("dec").addEventListener("click", function () {
    state.dispatch(COUNT_CHANGE, ({ count }) => ({ count: count - 1 }));


Web-merge includes a build-in pushState router that will helps you to load fragments/apps based on route.

The fragment parent expose a router class that can help you to perform routing action to load fragments/apps

You need to warper your fragments/apps with web-merge-router component and define base attribute as root route of your routing system; Than add route attribute to your fragments/apps to define the route that will load the fragment

<!-- index.html -->

<web-merge-router base="/examples">
<web-merge route="/" content="./fragments/fragment-6.html"></web-merge>
<web-merge route="/about" content="./fragments/fragment-5.html"></web-merge>

// fragment-5.html

const { router } = parent;

<!-- fragment-5.html -->

<a onclick="router.onNavigate('/')" href="#">Home</a>
<a onclick="router.onNavigate('/about')" href="#">About</a>



After cloning package on your local machine :

$ npm install

# start dev server to test examples locally

$ yarn dev

# Build 

$ yarn build


See the changelog here