soto-s3-file-transfer copied to clipboard
Simplifying upload and download from S3 using Soto the Swift SDK for AWS.
Soto S3 Transfer
Make uploading and downloading of files to AWS S3 easy.
Soto S3 Transfer uses the Soto Swift SDK for AWS. You need to create a Soto S3 service object before you can use the S3 transfer manager. See Soto documentation for more guidance. You also need to supply the threadPoolProvider
parameter which indicates where Soto S3 Transfer will get threads from to run the file loading and saving.
let client = AWSClient(httpClientProvider: .createNew)
let s3 = S3(client: client, region: .euwest1)
let s3FileTransfer = S3FileTransferManager(s3: s3, threadPoolProvider: .singleton)
Because S3FileTransferManager
can hold a thread pool that requires explicit shutdown, it also requires explicit shutdown. Before the manager is deleted you need to call S3FileTransferManager.syncShutdown
to ensure the thread pool has been shutdown correctly.
Upload to S3
Uploading files to S3 is done with one call. The call returns a NIO EventLoopFuture which will be fulfilled with the response when the operation is finished.
let uploadFuture = s3FileTransfer.copy(
from: "/Users/me/images/test.jpg",
to: S3File(url: "s3://my-bucket/test.jpg")!
You can also upload a folder as follows
let uploadFuture = s3FileTransfer.copy(
from: "/Users/me/images/",
to: S3Folder(url: "s3://my-bucket/images/")!
If you are uploading a folder multiple files will be uploaded in parallel. The number of upload tasks running concurrently defaults to 4 but you can control this by setting maxConcurrentTasks
in the Configuration
you supply to the initialization of S3FileTransferManager
let s3Transfer = S3FileTransferManager(
s3: s3,
threadPoolProvider: .singleton,
configuration: .init(maxConcurrentTasks: 8)
Download from S3
Download is as simple as upload just swap the parameters around
let downloadFuture = s3FileTransfer.copy(
from: S3File(url: "s3://my-bucket/test.jpg")!,
to: "/Users/me/images/test.jpg"
let downloadFolderFuture = s3FileTransfer.copy(
from: S3Folder(url: "s3://my-bucket/images/")!,
to: "/Users/me/downloads/images/"
Copy from one S3 bucket to another
You can also copy from one S3 bucket to another by supplying two S3Files
or two S3Folders
let copyFuture = s3FileTransfer.copy(
from: S3File(url: "s3://my-bucket/test2.jpg")!,
to: S3File(url: "s3://my-bucket/test.jpg")!
let copyFolderFuture = s3FileTransfer.copy(
from: S3Folder(url: "s3://my-bucket/images/")!,
to: S3Folder(url: "s3://my-other-bucket/images/")!)
Sync operations
There are sync
versions of these operations as well. This will only copy files across if they are newer than the existing files. You can also have it delete files in the target folder if they don't exist in the source folder.
let uploadSyncFuture = s3FileTransfer.sync(
from: "/Users/me/images/",
to: S3Folder(url: "s3://my-bucket/images")!,
delete: true
let downloadFuture = s3FileTransfer.copy(
from: S3Folder(url: "s3://my-bucket/images")!,
to: "/Users/me/downloads/images/",
delete: false
Multipart upload
If uploads are above a certain size then the transfer manager will use multipart upload to upload the file to S3. You can control what this threshold is and the multipart part sizes by supplying a configuration at initialization of the manager. If you don't supply a configuration both of these values are set to 8MB.
let s3Transfer = S3FileTransferManager(
s3: s3,
threadPoolProvider: .singleton,
configuration: .init(multipartThreshold: 16*1024*1024, multipartPartSize: 16*1024*1024)