Wayland Sothcott
Wayland Sothcott
I don't think it matters. It's pretty much the same card with some speed improvements. You should still be able to get the maximum from it.
That's not an error, it's a message telling you that Claymore is not optimised for VEGA. As long as you get above 1800H per card then you're doing OK. If...
We should probably pay him some crypto.
You can use the latest XMR-STAK with old HD5870 cards but Claymore limits you to 9.7.
Your best option is to use XMR-STAK. Claymore 9.7 can mine on those cards but that does not handle crypto v7.
I'd like to use two pools but based on port number so two different groups of rigs can mine to different wallets. I suppose I need two instances of xmr-node-proxy...
I've done it using docker. First one is in PM2 second one in docker with different config.json docker create -p 3334:3333 -p 8181:8080 -p 8444:8443 --name xnp1 xmr-node-proxy a bit...