Rubén Sospedra

Results 48 issues of Rubén Sospedra

Seriously, we need some changes and I cannot see activity from the admins. If not, there's no problem: fork and publish with other name in npm. But I'd appreciate some...

I want to use this amazing library alongside our current Detox suite. But building the app twice (4 times if we count the different OS) is an overkill. I don't...

Using inline styling. See webpack css loader or things like Aphrodite. It'll drastically reduce install complexity: for example, for css-free projects.

Stream anywhere. This feature needs a hard rethinking on the config setting up.


So we can abstract the configuration from the implementation. The config would be able to modify: ``` { level: {String | Number}, channels: [{ wagon: {Function}, // plug-in options: {Object},...


I'm using this awesome logger and then I realised that I cannot disable the logger setting the flag `localStorage.debug` to `false`. After the first time you set up this flag...

This is being discussed: Maybe shall be added to the site?

If I have enough time I'll do it. Either way, this example is a must.

{ "description": "A python library for accessing and searching dictionaries via /slashed/paths ala xpath. NEEDS NEW MAINTAINERS - SEE #136", "fullName": "akesterson/dpath-python", "language": "Python", "name": "dpath-python", "openIssues": 19, "owner": "akesterson",...


{ "description": "An express.js middleware for validator.js.", "fullName": "express-validator/express-validator", "language": "TypeScript", "name": "express-validator", "openIssues": 96, "owner": "express-validator", "stars": 4593, "updatedAt": "2020-09-01T06:58:36Z", "url": "", "requestIssueFullName": "express-validator/express-validator", "requestIssueNumber": 889, "license": "MIT", "topics":...
