figure icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
figure copied to clipboard

Fig powered mini-Heroku


Fig powered mini-Heroku. Inspired by Dokku.

What is it?

This project started as a fork of Dokku. It can host any application that can be run by fig up by Fig locally.


This demo shows how easy it is to deploy the Let's Chat program. It's applicable to any program that supports Fig.

  1. Follow the Installation guide to fire up a Figure server, or run vagrant up (with Vagrant installed) for a local development server.

  2. Clone the Let's Chat repo git clone

  3. Figure requires a service named web defined in fig.yml. So you need to change the fig.yml slightly. Also, you can create a volume for mongo to keep the data. The final fig.yml may look as follows:

    # Let's Chat application
      build: .
        - db:db
        - 5000:5000
    # Mongo Database
      image: mongo:latest
        - .docker/db:/data/db
  4. Commit the fig.yml file. Add Figure server for pushing.

    git add fig.yml
    git commit -m "adopt for figure deployment"
    git remote add figure figure@<your-server-address>:<app-name>
  5. Run git push. The application will be live at http://<app-name>.<your-server-address>.


The current version of Figure only supports Ubuntu. To install it on your server:

  1. Install make, git and ruby.
  2. If you want to run this on AWS, follow the instruction here to enable AUFS.
  3. Clone the repo by git clone
  4. Run make install as root.
  5. Run cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh {YOUR_SERVER_IP} "sudo sshcommand acl-add figure $USER" in your local server to upload your public key.
  6. Add figure ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL to sudoer file.
  7. Change content in /home/figure/VHOST to the domain you want to serve.

That's it!

Figure Commands

Following the same design principle of Dokku, you need to run figure commands through ssh, like ssh figure@your-server-address <your-command>. Run ssh figure@your-server-address help for all available commands.

Is It Suitable For Production?

Figure is powering and, but it is still in a very early stage. Many functions may not work as expected.
