vizard copied to clipboard
magic visualization
Magic Visualization
vizard is a tiny client/server library meant to enable REPL-based data visualization in the browser.
Add vizard to your leiningen project dependencies
[yieldbot/vizard "1.0.1"]
In a repl:
(require '[vizard [core :refer :all] [lite :as lite]])
(defn group-data [& names]
(apply concat (for [n names]
(map-indexed (fn [i x] {:x i :y x :col n}) (take 20 (repeatedly #(rand-int 100)))))))
Now send some plots off. Here is a stacked bar plot:
(def stacked-bar (p! (lite/lite {:mark "bar"
:encoding {:x {:field "x"
:type "ordinal"}
:y {:aggregate "sum"
:field "y"
:type "quantitative"}
:color {:field "col"
:type "nominal"}}}
(group-data "foo" "bar" "baz" "buh" "bunk" "dunk"))))
Which should look something like this in when rendered in the browser:
Here's a multiple series line plot:
(def multi-line (p! (lite/lite {:mark "line"
:encoding {:x {:field "x"
:type "ordinal"}
:y {:field "y"
:type "quantitative"}
:color {:field "col"
:type "nominal"}}}
(group-data "foo" "bar" "baz" "buh" "bunk" "dunk"))))
Which should look about like this:
Local Development
First, start up figwheel
Copyright © 2017 Yieldbot, Inc.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.