Lyndon Maydwell
Lyndon Maydwell
You're right that the I've left things ambiguous, sorry about that. I guess the abstract problem I'm trying to resolve is being able to determine downstream if both values were...
Here's my best go so far for non-concurrent machines: > run $ source [1..5] ~> splitProdPair (mapping succ) (mapping (negate . pred)) ~> mapping (uncurry (*)) > [0,-3,-8,-15,-24] ``` mergeProd...
I really like this idea, but my use-case requires that there are side-effects, so Mealy won't be powerful enough. Is there any reason why there isn't a version of Mealy...
Thanks Anthony, Would ``` newtype MealyM m a b = MealyM { runMealyM :: a -> m (b, MealyM m a b) } ``` be the right type for a...
Sounds great! I'll try to whip that up today. Thanks a lot for the discussion so far :)
Hi Anthony, I couldn't figure out how to do the Automaton implementation for MealyM... Here's what I've tried, but I just can't get the types to line up correctly: ```...
Oh I completely missed that somehow...
Thanks for that, I've now got a fleshed out implementation, although my high-level test-case is still failing, so I assume there's a bug here or there. I'll get some property...
@limitedeternity 🤣 That looks familiar!
Thanks @limitedeternity good idea.