VSFilterMod icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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VSFilterMod with VapourSynth interface added

Results 6 VSFilterMod issues
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原版的MaskSubMod函数介绍: http://avisynth.nl/index.php/VSFilterMod (翻到MaskSubMod副标题) 这个函数似乎可以不依靠视频输入来生成字幕,节省了视频解码的时间开销。

The `\movevc` when used for `\clip` tags, moves the clip throughout the text/shape. Also, when it is used for `\iclip` tags in y direction it moves the whole text/shape alongside...

In the [documentation](https://code.google.com/archive/p/vsfiltermod/wikis/NewTags.wiki) for img tags we have `\$img(path_to_png_file[,xoffset,yoffset])` for which `xoffset` and `yoffset` are not supported here. Is there a possibility for this being resolved or this particular feature...

When I include the path for the PNG image it loads just fine; however when I attach that image (let's call it `img.png`) to the subtitle and try to load...

pinterf/xy-VSFilter got many updates in case of HBD and others last days, https://github.com/pinterf/xy-VSFilter/

Vobsub for AVIsynth is great... as long as the subtitle track that you need happens to be Track 00, AND you don't need to adjust the timing, colors, size, or...