George Chatzisofroniou

Results 55 comments of George Chatzisofroniou

Hi, What distro are you running? What happens if you type "iptables"?

Also have a look at the FAQ:

This is the continuation of #1242. I will review soon.

Hi @ParisPantoulas, Let me know when this PR is ready for a new review.

Tested this with Chrome on Android, Firefox on Kali Linux and Chrome on MacOS and I received the same network manager which was for iOS.

Tested on MacOS. See below. ![image]( The text is different. In the original network manager, the text says "requires WPA-2 enterprise credentials." Also, The check-boxes are not properly aligned. Finally,...

I'm confused with the way you've named your files. I see "mac-network-manager-Safari.css" but then I see "opera-style.css". Is the "opera-style.css" OS-agnostic or is it for Windows systems only? Pick a...

We do not support the 5ghz band as of now. We plan to work on that in the near future.

Unfortunately, we cannot provide an exact date. This is an open-source project that is run entirely by volunteers in their free time. The CPU issue that you mention is interesting...

Install Wifiphisher with `python3 install` and then run it with `wifiphisher`.