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multipart integrated Images
Feature Request: The message is already multipart containing HTML and text body. I do not know how difficult that is, but it would improve the tool a lot if images used could be "within" the mail ("inline") and not downloaded from a webserver. As are, the images do not show inline in most common html-supporting mail clients but require an intentional download. (I understand the mailing might take longer)
The source of an e-Mail having the image "inline" looks like that. Image placement: <img width=3D200 height=3D38 id=3D"Picture_x0020_1" src=3D"cid:ima= [email protected]" alt=3D"cid:37C7DA78-53CC-4AF5-ADBF-63B351EA62B= C">
The (base64-encoded) image is added then like that: --004_266415B35DDCC5458A775930CE4851E120EC9A5C89CAEMEX81caeco Content-Type: image/png; name="image001.png" Content-Description: image001.png Content-Disposition: inline; filename="image001.png"; size=7792; creation-date="Tue, 18 Mar 2014 13:41:29 GMT"; modification-date="Tue, 18 Mar 2014 13:41:29 GMT" Content-ID: [email protected] Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
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