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Rqueue aka Redis Queue [Task Queue, Message Broker] for Spring framework

Results 13 rqueue issues
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I have 2 different instances. One instance produces jobs and one consumes it. It does only work correct when i register the queue manually by the manager. Is that the...


**What's not working?** Functionality is working, text in rqueue dashboard has a typo. "retired" vs. "retried". (see [enum](https://github.com/sonus21/rqueue/blob/a8cb236161eecb35f121544dc422e92c19ccc96e/rqueue-core/src/main/java/com/github/sonus21/rqueue/models/enums/ChartDataType.java#L31) doesn't match text) **What're application dependencies ?** - Rqueue Version: `rqueue-spring-boot-starter:3.1.0-RELEASE` -...

**What's not working?** Hi, we start redis within our unit test framework as below: @BeforeAll static void setup() { redisServer = RedisServer.builder().port(6379).build(); redisServer.start(); } and we shutdown it like that:...