Sergii Onufriienko
Sergii Onufriienko
@ceracera need to modify CezerinClient at and put language in the header to fetch.
**on the server** 1. on page rendering you need to read all locales and put to Theme 2. every router should read language from the header and put to service...
@ceracera 1. add `setLanguage()` to CezerinClient - it should add language to the header on fetch request to API and AJAX (important - both). 2. call `api.setLanguage()` or `api.ajax.setLanguage()` when...
@ceracera you mean this 1. ```js class AjaxClient { constructor(options) { this.locale = "en"; ``` 2. ```js class AjaxClient { setLocale(locale) { this.locale = locale; ``` 3. ```js class AjaxClient...
**on Theme (client-side)** ```js if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { api.ajax.setLocale(localeFromLocalStorage) ``` CezerinClient will attach headert to every fetch requests. **on ajaxRouter.js** 1. get Accept-Language from req header 2. ```api.products.list(filter,...
@ceracera Awesome! Give me some time to think about it.
@rahitel I'm supporting the core and the basic features of Cezerin. As a freelancer, I can develop any feature for the customer.
Hi @ashbeelghouri Cezerin doesn't use mongoose. But I also see this message.
I have the same error :neutral_face: